心脏病 和 突然 Cardiac Arrest Differences

People often use these terms interchangeably, but they're not the same. A 心脏病 是什么时候血液流向心脏受阻了. 突然 心脏骤停 is when the heart malfunctions 和 suddenly stops beating. A 心脏病 is a “circulation” problem 和 sudden 心脏骤停 is an “electrical” problem.



A 心脏病 occurs when a blocked artery prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching a section of the heart. 如果阻塞的动脉不能迅速重新打开, the part of the heart normally nourished by that artery begins to die. 的 longer a person goes without treatment, the greater the damage.

心脏病发作的症状 may be immediate 和 intense or start slowly with mild symptoms. It’s important to note that it’s also possible to have mild symptoms or even no symptoms at all 和 still have a 心脏病. Unlike with sudden 心脏骤停, the heart usually doesn’t stop beating during a 心脏病. 的 女性心脏病发作的症状 会和男人不一样吗.


突然 心脏骤停 occurs suddenly 和 often without warning. It happens when an electrical malfunction in the heart causes an irregular heartbeat (心律失常). With its pumping action disrupted, the heart can't pump blood to the brain, lungs 和 other organs. When this occurs, a person loses consciousness 和 has no pulse. Death occurs within minutes if the victim doesn't receive treatment. 


的se two distinct heart conditions are linked. 突然 心脏骤停 can occur after a 心脏病, or during recovery.  心脏病发作会增加 心脏骤停的风险. Many 心脏病s don't immediately lead to sudden 心脏骤停, 但是当心脏骤停发生时, 心脏病发作是常见的病因. Other heart conditions may also disrupt the heart’s rhythm 和 lead to sudden 心脏骤停. 包括心肌增厚(心肌病), 心脏衰竭尤其是心律失常 心室纤维性颤动, 长Q-T综合征.



即使你不确定这是心脏病发作, 拨打911 或者你的紧急响应号码. 分秒必争! It’s best to call EMS to get to the emergency room right away. Emergency medical services staff can begin treatment when they arrive — up to an hour sooner than if someone goes to the hospital by car. EMS staff are also trained to provide resuscitation efforts to someone whose heart has stopped. People with chest pain who arrive by ambulance may also receive faster treatment at the hospital.


For adults, check for responsiveness then shout for nearby help. Next, 拨打911 to activate emergency medical services. 然后呼叫, 或者, an automated external defibrillator if one is available 和 use it as soon as it arrives. 高质量的开始 心肺复苏 immediately 和 continue until professional emergency medical services arrive. 如果有两个人可以帮忙, one should begin 心肺复苏 immediately while the other calls 911 和 finds an AED.

In children 和 infants, airway obstruction is often the cause of 心脏骤停. Calling 911 to activate the emergency response should be followed immediately by initiating high-quality 心肺复苏. 如果附近有帮助或者有手机可用, activating the emergency response 和 starting 心肺复苏 can be nearly simultaneous. 但是在医院外的环境下, a single rescuer who doesn’t have access to a cell phone should begin 心肺复苏 (compressions-airway-breathing) before leaving the infant or child to call for help because respiratory arrest is the most common cause of 心脏骤停 和 help may not be nearby. 如果这个人突然崩溃了, rescuers should use an automated external defibrillator (AED), 因为早期除颤可以挽救生命.

突然 心脏骤停 is a leading cause of death — about 350,000 out-of-hospital 心脏骤停s occur annually in the United States. By performing 只用手的心肺复苏 to the beat of the classic disco song “Stayin’ Alive,” you can double or even triple a victim’s chance of survival.


只用手的心肺复苏 can be as effective as 心肺复苏 with breaths. 学习如何在60秒内拯救生命.
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